When you have a decision to make, do you put more emphasis on analysis or intuition?
If you believe decisions must be based on logic, it could be time to listen to your heart a little more often. That niggling doubt could be a sign you need to pay more attention to your intuition.
Initially trained as a biologist, I tend to put a high value on rational thought, reasoning and analysis. These skills were important when I was trying to measure native snails’ eating habits or cotton plant growth.
Not so useful on their own in other areas, like solving problems and making decisions. In fact, most of the ‘wrong’ choices I’ve made in life were made when I had switched off my intuition!
To give equal weight to intuition as I give to analysing facts is a skill I’m yet to conquer, with an unfortunate choice of holiday accommodation being my most recent lesson.
The best quality decisions are based on a balance of feeling and facts. Dr Dan Harrison, founder of Harrison Assessments, illustrates this as one of twelve paradoxes.
When both the left and right brain functions are used, we are able to sense what is important at the same time as we analyse the situation. Good insight is the result.
To find out more about enhancing the quality of your decision making, please get in touch.
To read more about the power of paradox, click here.