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Superannuation fund choice is changing

As an employer in Australia you have an obligation to pay Superannuation when required. But it is up to your employee to tell you where to put that Superannuation. This is called their Super Fund.
It is always good practice to give a new employee a Super Choice Form to fill out when starting so they give you the information you need.
If they don’t tell you which Super Fund to use, you would usually then set them up a a member with your default Super fund.
But from 1 November 2021, you’ll have an extra step to take first.
You now need to request their ‘stapled super fund’ details from the ATO. This is a new term used but just means an existing super account that follows a person as they change jobs.
The reason this has been introduced is simply to reduce unintended super accounts being set up when a person changes jobs.
Too check this you will need to sign in to ATO Online Services and go to ‘Employee Super Accounts’, or your BAS Agent or Accountant can do this for you.
And if the employee still don’t have a stapled Super fund, you can then use your default fund as normal.

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