Warning: What you are about to read is so obvious you’ll wonder why you haven’t already used it in selection and performance management!
Enjoyment Performance Theory states that an individual will perform more effectively in a job if that individual:
1. Enjoys the tasks required by that job;
2. Has interests that relate to the position and
3. Has work environment preferences that correspond with the environment of the workplace.
Assuming a person has the skills and experience necessary for the job, enjoyment of the various aspects of the job is a significant predictor of higher performance.
Because we tend to do the things that bring us pleasure and avoid things we don’t enjoy, we tend to do the things we like more often. As we do those activities more often, we get better at them and our improved performance adds to our enjoyment of the task. A virtuous cycle, if you like.
Conversely, because we will be less inclined to do something we don’t enjoy, we fail to improve in that task and the lower performance reinforces our dislike of the activity – a vicious cycle.
Harrison Assessments’ 20 years of research has proven that employees who enjoy at least 75% or more of their job are three times more likely to succeed than employees who enjoy less than 75% of their job. That makes understanding factors related to work satisfaction vitally important for making the right hiring decisions, motivating employees, and retaining top talent.
Makes sense, doesn’t it?
Surprisingly, very few behavioural assessments or personality assessments measure work satisfaction, even though it is critically important to do so. As a result, assessments are limited in their ability to determine motivation or forecast whether an individual will prosper and stay with the company.
The Harrison Assessment questionnaire is designed to predict performance, work satisfaction and retention. This is critical when selecting new staff and also enables companies to motivate people and increase their performance by assigning the roles and responsibilities that give them the highest degree of work satisfaction.
To find out more about what we can do for you with Harrison Assessments, visit our website or contact us!